Welcome to dataanalytics.se
In this section we have published video examples of our analyzes and data visualizations
Data Analytics & Visualization Videos
Yes it is actually true! Sometimes Analytics is actually fun, even for those who are not a data nerd. To be able to supply insights and figures based on data to a broad audience, we strive to to simplify our presentations and analyzes. ”Keep it simple” is our motto when we work on different ways of presenting analyzes and insights. Please, have a look at some examples below!
Smartphone unit shipments per Brand
Smartphone unit shipments worldwide (2007 to 2019), Top 5 vendors
Music: Erik Lund – Summertime, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E338a…
- Animated statistics Statistics
- Stats Racing bar charts Charts
- Rankings
- Smartphone Shipments
- Top Smartphone Vendors
- Smartphone units
- Smartphone statistics
- Smartphone stats
The Richest Population in Asia
Richest Population in Asia ranked by GDP per Capita (1970 – 2019). Top 10 countries in Asia ranked by GDP per capita (Current USD).
- Animated statistics
- Statistics
- Stats Racing bar charts
- Charts Rankings
- Richest population
- GDP per capita
- Richest in Asia
- Asia
This forecast actually nailed the date (27th of April) when cases would pass 3 000 000 almost 3 weeks before it happened:
This video is a datavisualization of Covid19 cases in the world. Numbers and bars for the top 15 countres from March until the 9th of April is being presented in a bar chart race. We also have added a counter which are showing you the total amount of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world. There are now more than 1.5 MILLION confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the World. Based on current growth pace we will reach 3 000 000 in less than 3 Weeks. A projection for all countries has been made and visualized in the bar chart race. This video was made the 9th of April 2020 and the data after that are projected numbers, not the actual numbers. We would like to give you a qualified guess of how the situation potentially could look like at the end of April and in the beginning of May if the current growth pace would remain the same. Please enjoy the video and please comment. We will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Analys av Eurovision 2018
Om analysen:
I denna analys använde vi oss av Google trender för att estimera intresset för de olika deltagarna och sångerna i Eurovision 2018. Det blev en hyfsad träffsäkerhet, då vi hade tippat Cypern som vinnare. Tyvärr kom de 2.a, och vi hade faktiskt missat att analysera sökningarna för vinnarlåten från Portugal.
Vi hoppas på lite mer tid till att analysera nästa gång, och att vi prickar in rätt resultat.